SEXPERT ADVICE ON: What is Female Ejaculation?

Author: Mock Webware |

Need more sexpert advice on Female Ejaculation? Believe it or not, the female orgasm and female ejaculation were unknown until relatively recently. Back in the 1800s, if a woman was feeling aroused, her husband would take her to the doctor. And, yes, all doctors were men in those days. The Doctor would then treat her for “hysterical tension”. Symptoms of this “condition” included irritability, a temperature, and swollen pudenda.

Guess how the doctors treated their female patients with this condition? They prescribed masturbation! However, the patient was not allowed to do this. This act was deemed to be unhealthy and would rot the mind! Most often, stimulating the woman’s genitals until she orgasmed was performed by either a midwife or sometimes by the doctor himself. The husband and wife would then return back to their 19th-century domestic bliss.


Female Ejaculation? You mean women can ejaculate like men? Yes, we can!!

Many of us women are simultaneously curious and timid about the subject. Did you know that many women ejaculate already without actually knowing they are doing it?

It can be an intimidating concept to imagine gushing crazy amounts of fluid when you orgasm, but it can open you up to a new level of sexuality and can offer you the wildest, deepest, wettest orgasms ever!

As you might have guessed by now, the g spot is a big player in squirting. In fact, female ejaculation is even sometimes referred to as g spot ejaculation. Apply firm pressure to stimulate the G-spot. For this reason, our sexpert advice includes using a g spot toy that is harder in texture.

It’s helpful to know that some women experience ejaculation due to stimulation to the g spot alone; others can ejaculate with clitoral stimulation and others do best with a combination of both. However, the g spot (with or without direct stimulation) is the key area as it becomes engorged and swells when aroused and thus sets in motion the release of ejaculate fluid.

Also, you still might be wondering what the substance of female ejaculate is made of, as well as where it comes from. If you are like most people, you have probably heard that it is just pee, but this is not the case. Although it is released via the urethra – the same tube we release urine from – it is not pee! In fact, many cultures refer to it as sacred female sexual fluid or “amrita.” You might also have heard female ejaculation called squirting orgasm or female cum, but ejaculation and orgasm, although they can happen simultaneously, and usually do, are actually two separate things.

You might be wondering what exactly is this substance of female ejaculate? And if it is released through the urethra but is not urine – which it is not – then what exactly is it?

It is interesting to know that men also release ejaculate through their urethra, the same tube they pee from. In fact, the whole process of female ejaculation is much like the male ejaculation.

Confused at all? Here’s a brief description of the process:

When a woman gets turned on, the whole pelvic area begins to get hot and aroused. The glands that surround your urethra, (called Skene’s paraurethral glands) start to fill up. Sometimes when the g spot gets stimulated; you may feel like you need to pee. Many of these glands cluster to make up the organ known as the beloved g spot. When you feel your g spot get engorged and protrude more into the vagina, it is the organ filling with female ejaculate. The fluid either gets recycled into the bladder and comes out when you pee, or it will be released through your urethra as female ejaculation. At times this can mean a few teaspoons and at others a cup or more!

You still might be wondering – is it urine? Get some sexpert advice! The answer is, NO, it isn’t! It is a fluid that can be either “milky” or clear, which usually has little or no odor or taste, although this can change depending on your diet or where you are in your menstrual cycle. The fluid of female ejaculate is a mixture of glucose, fructose, some hormones, and acids known as PSA and PAP, with here and their traces of urine.


Although you now know a bit more about female ejaculate, many cultures have not only known about it since ancient times but have both celebrated and revered it. In fact, it is known as “Liquor Vitae” in Ancient Rome. “The Third Water” in Taoist traditions. “Waters of Gaia” or “Waters of Life” in many different indigenous cultures. And, is referred to by Tantric or Indian traditions as “Amrita”. In ancient Japan, it was common for women to own “Ejaculation Bowls”. They would capture the flow for use later. How was it used? Female ejaculate is considered by many to be an aphrodisiac. Many ancient cultures considered it to be a health tonic. They believe it has the ability to reverse the aging process. They drink it and make tea out of it.

OK, so even though most of us won’t be making a tea out of female ejaculate, there are a few recommended essential items for your own exploration… Fingers and tongues are excellent, but consider adding a G-Spot vibrator to your bag of tricks. And, because you likely don’t want to have an ejaculation bowl, we recommend you put down a couple of towels.

Here is our Sexpert Advice for women who want to achieve Female Ejaculation:

If you are interested, then this female ejaculation exercise is for you! First, you need to get comfortable touching and stimulating yourself. And, bringing yourself to ejaculation. Leave about 45 minutes to an hour for this female ejaculation exercise. You don’t need much. First, gather some lube. Second, a couple of towels. Third, a small hand mirror. Finally, your favorite dildo or vibrator. You may also want to pee before starting. In particular, so that later during the exercise, you know you are not peeing. You will, in fact, be experiencing female ejaculation. During this female ejaculation exercise, feel free to use a small hand mirror to see what you look like touching yourself and ejaculating.

  1. Relax and get comfortable. Take a hot shower or bath. It’s really important with female ejaculation that you be relaxed and open. After all, you are letting something out!
  2. Set yourself up in a cozy and comfortable location, with several layers of towels underneath you. You will likely want to be reclining or sitting up – lying down on your back will probably not allow you to reach your g spot.
  3. Begin to touch yourself, using your fingers or a dildo or vibrator – any and all of your favorite techniques to get yourself really hot. You can touch your clitoris, as well as your g spot.
  4. Once you are intensely aroused, take a moment to find and play with your g spot. Reaching your g spot with just your fingers might be hard – it depends on where yours is exactly. To locate yours, take one or two fingers (you might want to use lube) and insert them inside yourself, palm up, fingers hooked, and feel around about 1½ inches in, on the front wall of your vagina, just above the pubic bone. You will likely find a pea or walnut-sized spot that feels a different texture from the rest of the vagina. Play with this spot, and notice what feels best to you. Also, try using your vibrator or dildo (again with lube) – it can offer much more access and control when playing with your g spot.
  5. You can try the “withdrawing” technique of rubbing the g-spot directly in a series of 5 to 6 repetitions, and then withdraw fully your fingers or the vibrator suddenly; wait about 2-3 seconds and then repeat. This can bring on ejaculation, and you often see this technique used in videos.
  6. If it doesn’t, just keep heading toward orgasm, touching either your clit or g spot (or both), whatever works best for you. Either way, keep noticing the full or watery feeling you are likely experiencing. If you bring yourself to orgasm, rather than stopping, keep touching yourself – see what happens when you go beyond orgasm.
  7. If you feel like you need to pee, you are on the right track – but rather than backing off, push into this feeling. Some need to relax to let the ejaculate come out, but others may find a need to assist with pushing out.
  8. You are there! You are not peeing, you are experiencing female ejaculation! Don’t worry about wetting the area. That is what the towels are for! Just relax, release, and let go.
  9. Take a moment to appreciate your body and its capacity for such immense pleasure, and the amazing experience of female ejaculation. If you didn’t ejaculate this time, don’t worry! Think back on this female ejaculation exercise. Try to recall what felt good. And, what you noticed. Finally, try to remember where you got stuck or blocked, etc. Think of a few things you’ll do differently next time, and then try it again on another day.
  10. Practice does make perfect after all! Experiment with how best to stimulate your g spot. Remember to use firm pressure. Don’t forget that g spot toys can help in many instances.

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